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Educate Your Kid About Tolerance

Posted by Unknown on Friday, June 28, 2013

Tolerance represents a mind-set of awareness and regard for the variations that exist among individuals. Tolerance indicates improving and learning from others, pricing variations, connecting social holes, rejecting unjust generalizations, discovering mutual understanding, and creating new ties. Tolerance, often, is the opposite of tendency.

Behaviors that disrespect or hurt others, like being mean or violence, or actions that break social rules, like lying or taking, should not be accepted. Tolerance is about recognizing individuals for who they are, not about recognizing bad actions. Tolerance also indicates treating others the way you would like to be handled.

Like behaviors, patience is often trained in simple methods. Even before they can speak, kids closely watch  and replicate their mother and father. Kids of all ages develop their own principles, in excellent aspect, by showing the behaviour of those they proper worry about. Many mother and father stay and perform in different areas and have buddies who are different from themselves in some methods. Parents' behaviour about improving others are often so much a aspect of them that they rarely even think about it. They educate those behavior simply by being themselves and living their principles. Parents who illustrate patience in their everyday lives send a highly effective message. As a result, their kids understand to appreciate variations, too. Families can discover methods to enjoy variations of others while continuing to respect and pass down their own social lifestyle.
How Teach Tolerance?

Parents can educate patience by example and in other methods. Talking together about patience and regard helps kids discover more about the good behavior you want them to have. lets kids understand direct that everyone has something to play a role and to experience variations and resemblances.

Observe your own behavior. Parents who want to help their kids value variety can be sensitive to social generalizations they may have learned and try to correct them. 

Keep in mind that kids are always hearing. Be aware of the way you discuss individuals who are different from yourself. Do not create humor that perpetuate generalizations. Although some of these might seem like safe fun, they can reverse behavior of patience and regard.

Select books, toys, music, and videos carefully. Keep in mind the highly effective effect the press and popular lifestyle have on forming behavior. Point out and discuss unjust generalizations that may be represented in press.

Help your kids experience much better about themselves. Kids who experience poorly about themselves often cure others poorly. Kids strong self-esteem value and regard themselves and are more likely to cure others with regard, too. Help your kids to experience approved, respected, and respected.

Give kids possibilities to perform and perform with others who are different from them. When choosing a school, day camp, or child-care facility for your kids, discover one with a different population.

Learn together about holiday and spiritual festivities that are not aspect of your own custom.
Honor your family members customs and educate them to your kids and to someone outside close relatives members who wants to understand about the variety you have to offer.
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Critical Conflict in Education

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, June 27, 2013

According to the critical conflict perspective, one of educational institutions main functions is to reduce social inequalities within society. However, inequalities are being perpetuated based on class, race, and gender. The conflict perspective focuses on power and resources when analyzing any social problem and when looking at education, the disbursement of funds is a critical component to the perpetuation of those inequalities. Those who have the power and resources are the one’s making decisions as to where the money goes and how much goes there. Our society is separated into classes based on wealth so if the wealthy people are making financial decisions their focus would be on what would benefit their class not lower classes.

Critical Conflict theorists also suggest that classism is a social problem within education because students come to institutions with different amounts of cultural capital learned at home. Cultural capital is a term that defines the amount of culture acquired by individuals based on financial and educational status. Classism occurs as a direct result of cultural capital, the more exposure one has to culture the more enlightened the individual becomes (Kendall, 2010).
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Child's Progress and Formal Assessments

Posted by Unknown on Tuesday, June 25, 2013

How’s my child getting on at school?

It’s natural to wonder how your child is doing at school, and you’re entitled to information about their progress.
It’s important to listen or carefully read any feedback you get, since it can be complicated. Don’t be afraid to approach teachers and ask questions about what the different grades and results mean. Try to keep an open mind about your child’s progress – don’t assume that things will always stay the same, or that because you weren’t good at maths your child won’t be either. Try not to compare your child with other children in your family or their class.
The key issues to be aware of are how your child is managing school life and academic work, and how they get on with their classmates and teachers.

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The National Curriculum and Key Stages in England

Posted by Unknown on Monday, June 24, 2013

what is the national curriculum ? 

state schools in england must teach a range of subjects according to targets set by the national curriculum. this was established in 1989 to ensure the same standards of teaching and learning across the nation. 

the national curriculum covers learning for all children aged 5-16 in state schools, and sets out : 

which subjects should be taught 
the knowledge, skills and understanding your child should achieve in each subject ( according to your child’s age ) 
targets - so teachers can measure how well your child is doing in each subject 
how information on your child’s progress should be passed on to you 
what are the key stages ?
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Educating your kid at home

Posted by Unknown

What is home education?
Home education is when a child is educated at home rather than at school. It's perfectly legal in the UK to educate your child at home and you don't need to be a qualified teacher to do so.
Children who are home educated receive all their education from their parents or carers, sometimes with the help of outside tutors. If you decide to home educate your child you don't have to follow formal rules about how you teach or when you teach.
In some ways home education is a continuation of the teaching that every pre-school child receives from his or her parent or carer. But from the age of five education is a legal requirement, so if you choose to home educate after this age you need to plan extremely carefully.

Why do people choose home education?
Some people know from an early stage that they want to home educate their child. They may have philosophical or religious reasons for this. Or they may have been home educated themselves or raised in situations in which education wasn't focused on a traditional school environment - their parents may have travelled a lot.
In other cases a child may start off in school but later be taken out and educated at home. The reasons for this vary - a child may have special needs or be unhappy at school in some way. Sometimes parents feel that the methods of teaching in school aren't right for their child and that they can provide a better education for them at home.
Parents sometimes home educate because they can't get a place for their child in a school of their choice.

Where can I find out more about home education?
If you're interested in home education a good first step is to talk to other parents who do it. Many home educating families keep in touch with each other so that they can swap ideas about learning at home and so that their children can socialise.

Education Otherwise is an organisation that can provide you with a wealth information about home education and put you in touch with home educating parents
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Prepare Your Children to Enter School.

Posted by Unknown

Towards the first day of school, parents will prepare their children to enter school. But the attitude of a child usually changed. What about your baby?

A wide range of children's behavior at school first. There are greeted with joy, but there is also that even so fussy. You should introduce the school environment in order for children eager to go to school.

Every toddler's behavior in the face of the first day of school is a natural thing.
Feeling afraid to be left alone and less comfortable when being among people who did not know a natural feeling that is felt when the child first enters the school.

If the child is fussy, or crying loudly as the first day of school, because he was afraid of being in a new environment, including teachers and friends for the first time he saw. Eductory suggest that you invite children to occasionally look around the school, especially before the first day.

Sometimes when children first enter school still not willing to off by her parents. Even so, parents should accompany their children do not learn in school because it would interfere with the process of adaptation.

Moreover, you as a parent need to understand in order to reduce your child's anxiety. You should tell what can be done when studying at school and you are not allowed to scare the child - the child's wish not naughty at school.

Preparing children first enter school indeed easy bother. For that, prepare everything carefully, so that your child will more quickly adapt to a new school, new teachers, and new friends.
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Be Ready to Exam

Posted by Unknown

The final exam was on the horizon. This exam is important to evaluate how much the admission of the child to the teacher's lessons so far. The views and feelings of the children will be different from one another. There are cool, nothing can prepare properly, and not a few others panic.

As a parent, you should take the time to figure out what lessons are less than your child. So you can put more attention when teaching your child to learn these subjects. Although your children feel they already understand a particular subject, you still have to take the time to review the questions by providing simulations or final exam.

Making your child really wants to sit down and learn, easy easy difficult loh .. You can start by making learning fun, and not so serious. Do not feel bad if they start complaining and arguing. When they were in college a few years later they will understand why you are so concerned with their values​​. You can also try to show that it does not perform well on the exam, can cause their value is not good and if it does not meet the standard, they may have to repeat the grade. Or if you're a working mom, you may be able to enroll them for tutoring program

Here are some tips to prepare your child succeed following the final exam:

Make a study schedule - set realistic timetables. Ensure sufficient time to study all subjects. Maybe there will be two final exams in one day, so you have to merencakannya for the same day.

Review (re-re) or read and read again books, exercise, or test / quiz that exist.

Ensure enough time for sleep, exercise, and eating a healthy diet. If you treat your body well, the body will also take care of the brain as well.
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Overcoming Child Lazy Learning Tips

Posted by Unknown

Children do not want to learn or lazy to read the textbook, often so complaints of parents. Children rather see television, such as soap operas, movies or playing with their peers.?

If the child does not want to learn, they assume that learning is an activity that is less fun than playing or watching. To cope with children who are lazy to learn is to make children think learning is exciting activities, fun or to make them realize that learning is a necessity.

Learn more, here are tips to overcome the lazy children learn:

Instill awareness to children that learning is an obligation and responsibility as a student that future results will be achieved.
Give an example to the children. Parents can also read books that are useful when a child is learning.
Parents should also inculcate the culture of reading in the family environment.
Create a fun learning environment. Create an engaging learning space, neat and does not make children lazy in the classroom.
Provide motivation for children to learn in a good way, as he plumbed the hearts held approach with the children in a child's best friend. Do not send children to force a child to learn, especially in a rude manner.
Give incentives to the child, whether it be their favorite gift or just a nice compliment if the value of the child. This will help motivate the child.
Parents should be open with the child by asking the problems he faced, why lazy to learn, what can make it a passion for learning and so on. Help your child to overcome these problems.
Choose the best time for children to learn. Should parents have also helped children with not watching television, or listening to loud music.
Make time this learning into their daily routine, and parents should also accompany and assist if the child has difficulty learning.
In addition to regular study time, also provide enough time to play, watch and interact with his friends.
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What The Parent Must to do When the Children Failed in Exam

Posted by Unknown

Children fail exams must not only he who feels disappointed, but the parents and the school and his friends will also disappointed about this. As a parent, do not immediately take action and emotional upset in children. If such action occurs, it will give a bad impact on children. One of them, the child will feel alienated due to his failure.

Failed test does not mean the end of everything. Of course there are a lot of government policy that children who fail to proceed to the next level. But one thing is for sure, when the child fails the test of course they need support and encouragement to boost his confidence, especially from parents. Therefore, it is important for parents to always give support to children.
Here are some positive things a parent can do when a child fails school exams:
Always provide support and assist the child in the face of failure of the exam. Motivation is very helpful is the motivation of parents and best friends.
Be a good listener when children start telling what he felt. Take heart by helping her child that failure is now a reality they have to deal with either.
Do not force children to study harder again after getting a bad grade, it just makes the child more stress. Take him for a vacation to cheer a sad heart, only then will you begin to guide her study harder.
Give the child time to yourself and understand what he was facing. However, parents continue to provide support and positive things that children are not too disappointed with what he got.
Embed this feeling always stay happy and grateful with what you have achieved. Although already well tried, but failed. Do not make this as a punishment, but as a failure to make the process of maturation itself time to deal with it.
   So is the word failure is success delayed. By learning and trying even harder, of course, this failure can be run properly. Although the children fail the exam, you as a parent have to continue to provide support and guide her to keep the child confidence and vigor to face the test into two.
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Technology in the Classroom

Posted by Unknown

The ISTE Classroom Observation Tool (ICOT) is an observation tool developed by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). The ISTE is a membership association for educators and education leaders. The association’s purpose is to engage in advancing excellence in learning and teaching through technology. The association is also responsible for developing the National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) for students, teachers, and administrators. The classroom observation tool was designed to evaluate the amount of technology being used in the classroom as well as its effective use based on the NETS.
        Educators can download the ICOT application by registering free online. Once the educator is has registered and downloaded the application, classroom observations of both teachers and students can be conducted using a lap top computer off line, upload the data to a secure online account, where the data can be aggregated to generate reports.
Why use ICOT as an Observation Tool?
There are several good reasons for using an observation tool such as ICOT to evaluate the effective use of technology in the classroom. For one, Moskowitz & Martabano (2009) argue that today’s district and building level administrators are busier than ever. In addition, administrators are being asked about the use of technology or evaluated themselves based on the amount of time and quality of technology being used in their classrooms. In fact, one of the NETS for administrators, according to the ISTE website is to create, promote, and sustain a dynamic, digital-age learning culture at their school or district. Another reason to use an observation tool such as ICOT, according to the authors, is because larger amounts of school and district budgets are being earmarked for technology in the classrooms. The authors report that technology spending in education will reach $56 billion by 2012. Being able to document and retain the effective use of technology in the classroom using observation tools such as ICOT will give administrators much more confidence in requesting funds from the district or grants. A final reason for using such technology to evaluate the use of technology in the classroom is for administrators to better prepare and plan professional development for teachers in the use of technology. Collier, Weinburgh, & Rivera (2004) imply that the majority of teachers do not feel comfortable using computers in the classroom for instruction. The authors go on to say that educators must focus more attention on how to effectively use technology in the classroom.
About the Instrument
            The components of the ICOT instrument consist of setting, groups, activities, technology, NETS, and charts. There are a series of questions, calendars, timelines, or charts for each of the components. For example, the setting consists of a series of questions about the subject, grade, time of day, and number of students. The group component asks questions concerning what type of grouping (i.e. individual, pairs, small groups, whole class) as well as engagement in the activity. The activity component touches on what the students and teacher are doing during the lesson (i.e. researching, writing, test taking, simulations, etc…). The technology component is the meat of the observation tool. In this section, the observer reports on what type of technology is being used, who is using it and how they are using the technology. The NETS component reports on what teacher or student standards are being taught or used during the lesson. Finally, the chart section reports on how long technology was being used, who was using it, and for what purpose (i.e. used for learning or used for something else). The charts are arranged for the observer to report who is using the technology and for what purpose in increments of 3 minutes for the duration of the lesson.
         For the practical purposes of this article the writer used the ICOT instrument to observer a fifth grade teacher at the writer’s school. The teacher is a fifth year teacher who has taught traditional classes as well as boys’ single gender classes. The school is located in central South Carolina and has approximately 640 students. There are five fifth grade classes containing approximately 23 students per class. All of the fifth grade classes have one to one computing using wireless lap tops provided by the school. Each class also has a mounted interactive board as well as a mounted projector. Teachers are encouraged to engage students in the use of technology at least on a daily basis.  
The writer observed the teacher teaching a single gender boys’ class during a social studies lesson for 30 minutes. The teacher was having the students research and report on the Reconstruction period of United States history. There were 23 students in the classroom at the time. The environment was uncluttered and purposefully organized for movement and collaborative work. Each student had their own lap top computer provided by the school. This was the teacher’s first year having one to one computing in his classroom. Each pair of students was working on a Power Point presentation. One hundred percent of the students were focused and actively engaged in the activity. The teacher’s role was to facilitate and coach the boys as they researched and created a presentation. Students were creating, researching, collaborating during the lesson. The teacher also used an interactive board to model what he expected from the boys.
       There were a number of NET standards for teachers that the writer observed. One was the fact that the teacher was using curriculum-based presentations to engage the students. Second, the teacher created a developmentally appropriate learning activity for fifth grade boys. Third, the technology used during the lesson enhanced instruction. Fourth, the technology supported learner-centered strategies. Fifth, the teacher applied technology to develop students’ creativity. Finally, the teacher modeled legal and ethical technology practices by using the interactive board to show examples.
        After conducting the observation, the observer and the teacher were able to sit down and discuss the lesson. The observer was able to walk through the observation question by question and praise the teacher as well as offer constructive suggestions. For example, the observer suggested that since the boys were using wireless lap tops to let them sit on the floor, at their desk, or stand at the bookcase to work on their project. The observer felt that this is one of the benefits of using a wireless lap top to complete a task.
         ICOT is a useful tool for administrators to safely document the effective use of technology in the classroom. The tool allows educators to observe technology being used by both students and teachers based on the NETS. The data gathered is aggregated and stored for future reference. This data can be used to track effective practice, track the amount of technology use, and compare the use of technology to national standards. This information can be useful as administrators are competing for grants and other district funding for additional technology. The observation tool itself is user-friendly and is easily accessible by anyone.
It is important for educators to be able to observe a classroom for the purpose of evaluating the use of technology in the classroom specifically. Many general classroom observation tools touch on technology in the classroom, but very few if any go in to as much detail as the ICOT does. The writer suggests that the ICOT instrument be used in isolation to evaluate the effective use of technology in addition to the more general observation tools.  
In addition, district office administrators and directors of IT departments could definitely use the ICOT to evaluate instructional technology district wide. As administrators observe in classrooms and upload data to the website, district administrators can generate and view reports that can guide professional development and future purchases.
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Definition of Learning Media

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, June 23, 2013

Definition of Learning Media
Media education in general, is a teaching and learning tool. Everything that can be used to stimulate thoughts, feelings, concerns and abilities or skills of learners so as to facilitate the process of learning. This limitation is quite broad and includes in-depth understanding of the source, the environment, human beings and the method used for the purpose of learning / training.
Meanwhile, according to Briggs (1977) is a physical means of learning media to deliver content / learning materials such as books, movies, videos and so on. Then, according to the National Education Associaton (1969) revealed that learning is a means of communication media in print and point of view heard, including technology hardware.

The position of instructional media. Therefore, the learning process is a communication process and takes place in a system, the learning media occupies an important position as one of the components of the learning system. Without the media, communications will not occur and the process of learning as a process of communication will not be able to take place optimally. Instructional media is an integral component of the learning system
From the above opinion concluded that the instructional media is anything that can be channeled messages, can stimulate the mind, feelings, and the willingness of the students so as to encourage the creation of learning process in self-learners.
According to Edgar Dale, in education, the use of instructional media often uses the principle of Cone Experience, which requires media such as text books, learning materials created by teachers and "audio-visual".

There are several types of learning media, including:
Visual Media: graphs, diagrams, charts, charts, posters, cartoons, comics
Audial media: radio, tape recorders, language labs, and the like
Projected still media: slides; over head projector (OHP), in focus and the like
Projected motion media: movies, television, video (VCD, DVD, VTR), computers and the like.
In essence, instead of learning media itself that determines the learning outcomes. Turns success using instructional media in the process of learning to improve learning outcomes depends on (1) the contents of the message, (2) how to explain the message, and (3) the characteristics of the message recipient. Thus in choosing and using the media, to consider three factors. When all three factors are able to be delivered in the medium of learning course will provide maximum results.
The purpose of using instructional media:
There are several goals using instructional media, such as:
- Facilitate the teaching-learning process
- Improve the efficiency of the teaching-learning
- Maintaining relevance to the learning objectives
- Help students concentrate
- According to Gagne: Components of learning resources that can stimulate students to learn
- According to Briggs: physical spacecraft containing instructional material
- According to Schramm: carriers of information technology or instructional message
- According to Y. Miarso: Everything that can stimulate students' learning process
No doubt that all the media is necessary for learning. If up to this day there are teachers who do not use the media, it's just one thing that needs to change attitude. In selecting instructional media, need to be tailored to the needs, circumstances and conditions of each. In other words, the best media is media. It is up to the teacher how he could develop it appropriately viewed from the content, the message explanation and student characteristics to determine the instructional media.

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Train the Brain Development Toddlers 2-5 Years With Toys

Posted by Unknown

How should parents train the brain development of infants 2-5 years? What parent does not want her baby to grow smart and clever? Therefore parents always try all the best for their toddlers.

brain development toddlers 2-5 years influenced a lot of things, such as nutrients and stimuli are given and exercises - exercises or activities that can help the development occurs more rapidly. However, quite a lot of parents who do not understand one very important thing that can affect the brain development of infants 2-5 years the toys.

Playing as one of the most frequent activities toddlers can actually be a means by which parents can develop maximum intelligence toddler. Several studies have shown that brain development toddlers 2-5 years can be done through the toy. Moreover when educative games are rendered in the golden period of development of the child (golden age)

Therefore, parents can train the brain development of infants 2-5 years through children's toys, parents should be selective in providing toys and took her baby to play. Brain development that occurs at each age level will affect the selection of games. Here are some types of games are great for sharpening the brain and support the development of toddlers:

     Train the balance of left and right brain work to play. Often encountered imbalance between the left and right brain, 'but both have equally important functions. To train the brain development of infants 2-5 years, parents can give you some games that stimulate both hemispheres of the brain work together such as throwing fishing, swimming, running and some activities involving the motor system.
     Match the shape. Brain development toddlers 2-5 years can pass like a child's toy to match the shape. Although it looks simple, this game will require children to analyze where the same form and then matched. By providing training or stimuli like this every day, then the toddler brain can grow better.
The block. Benefit of the Block game with matching shapes. With this game, brain development toddlers 2-5 years can pass toys that require them to analyze how to play a game tool.

The golden age of toddlers did not last long. Therefore, it is natural parents give their full attention to their baby, including giving time to play together as the best way of brain development toddlers 2-5 years.
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Learn How to be Smart

Posted by Unknown

How to learn the good and true - to be smart and clever and painstaking course should actively learn. how efficient and appropriate for students in learning? when it is fitting that the end is also optimal?

each one is able to ensure its own when it is very fitting for the study. determine whether morning, afternoon or mala day. entire match with the existing situation. The good study was done every day, despite the not too distant future. for example, 1 or 2 hours each day.

so many schoolchildren now learn only when there is a death nail test or exam. a very fitting time to learn can be matched with the mood and tolerance of our bodies. not necessarily every night, when we are at 8 or 9 pm was so sleepy can specify the evening or after sunset.

then indeed the time to learn a person can not be the same. do not be too imposing absolute or memporsir Study abroad until late at night because generally eventually no longer be optimal.

below as well as the way of a good trick to learn the steps to face exams

1. study group
weld studying alone? just try to learn the group with colleagues. the study group learning activities can be very exciting because there are friends. belaar with a good group and invite colleagues are smart to study hard in order to be encouraged and catch clever.

2. try diligently to make notes or the essence of the lesson
each chapter there are always lessons parts absolute. nah The good side of this is absolutely contrived records in a separate book. in very useful when dealing with existing test or exam.

3. always so disciplined and patient in the study
The absolute here is the quality of learning. although only 1-2 hours one day, but if in doing every day can certainly add better than learning in a very long period of time at a specific time only. for example, only to learn when there is repetition or exams.

4. Ask questions if not understood
time teachers generally complete review of the subject can ask questions on his students. whether it has been clear? Do not doubt and afraid to ask questions if indeed not understand or do not know.

5. stay away from dishonest sukap
This current lot of students make notes to cheat when no test or exam. by learning on a regular schedule a student can always be ready when there is no need to repeat impromptu and cheating.
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Tips to Improve Memory

Posted by Unknown

A wide variety of tips that can be tried in a students improve memory. Here are a few tips Improve Memory, among others, according to Barlow (1985), Reber (1988), and Anderson (1990), how to improve memory is as follows.

Tips to Improve Memory:

1. Overlearning
Overlearning (learn more) means learning effort that exceeds the basic mastery over a particular subject matter. Overlearning occurs when certain responses or reactions appear after the students were studying the response of the way out of the ordinary. Many examples can be used to overlearning, among other readings Pancasila text on every Monday and Saturday to allow retention of students PPKN stronger material.

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Tips About How to Improve Child Learning Concentration

Posted by Unknown

The most important thing in the process of learning is the concentration of children's learning. Children will easily grasp the subject matter if the child feels comfortable and can concentrate on learning. My question, Is your child has an increased concentration of study?

Here are some tips on how to increase the concentrations studied

1. Eliminate the expense and Duties
If there is homework (homework) should be completed first in order not kepikiran continuous learning activities take place at the moment. Identify the things you gotta do / implement it so that no load
2. Benefits of Learning to Think in the Future
To encourage learning activities we have fewer suppose, that if we grew up to be successful so org clever, great income, have a cute boyfriend, etc.. Thus, we will be more motivated to achieve the future that we aspire
3. Never Too Tired
Try not to make a study plan with excessive physical activity such as sports, play all day, a trip to the mall, and others. If you've already exhausted the bljr sebentarpun was able to make sleepy. When the school should directly or afternoon nap then wake up timeout immediately learn that serious.
4. Position Learning The Pas
Learning to do with the position that any such body while sleeping, while the streets, while watching TV, while chatting, while squatting, and so forth. Learn the sitting position at the table to learn if there is or at tables and chairs that make us as comfortable in the desk chair school or college.
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Classification of Instructional Media

Posted by Unknown on Saturday, June 22, 2013

The process of learning is essentially a process of communication, which is the process of delivering a message (content or teaching materials) from the source of the message through the channel / media specific to the recipient (student / learner or teacher perhaps). Delivery of messages can be done through a communication symbols symbols verbal and non-verbal or visual, which we do now interpreted by the receiver of the message (Criticos, 1996).
Therefore the message (content or teaching materials) to make it more acceptable to learners or students should use instructional media. Expected with the use of learning resources in the form of instructional media, the process of communication in teaching and learning activities take place more effectively (Gagne, 1985) and efficient.
Understanding media still often confused with the equipment. Media is software or materials contain educational messages or information typically presented using equipment. While the equipment or hardware itself is a means to display the message contained in the media.

Various classifications of instructional media

Various ways can be done to classify and identify the media. According to the form information is used, you can separate and classify media renderer into five major groups, namely visual media silence, motion visual media, audio media, audio-visual media silence, motion and audio-visual media. Classification of these media can be a basis for distinguishing processes which is used for presenting the message, how it sounds and images received, whether through direct vision, projection optics, electronics or telecommunications projection.

While Edgar Dale held a media pembelajarn classification according to the level of the most concrete to the most abstract.

Classification is then known as the "cone of experience" of Edgar Dale and widely adopted in determining media, tools and props are most appropriate for the learning experience.

Classification of learning media by experts:
1. Classification of learning media by Azhar Arshad
Classification of learning resources is not much different from the shape. Classification of learning resources according to the Degeng Azhar Arshad (2006) are as follows:
Message (What information is transmitted?)
People (Who / What do the transmission?)
Materials (Who / What store information?)
Tool (Who / What store information?)
Techniques (How information is transmitted?)
Environment / Background (Where is transmitted?)
2. Classification of learning media by Rudy Bretz
Rudy Bretz, classifies the media by its constituent sounds, visual (in the form of images, lines, and symbols), and motion. In addition, also, Bretz distinguish between broadcast media (telecommunications) and recording media (recording). Thus, according to the taxonomy of Bretz grouped media menjasi 8 categories: 1) motion audio-visual media, 2) audio-visual media silence, 3) semi-motion audio media, 4) visual motion media, 5) visual media silence, 6) semi motion media , 7) audio media, and 8) the print media.
3. Classification according Sudjana instructional media and Ahmad Rifa'i
Sudjana and Rifa'i Ahmad distinguish or classify media into four groups, namely graphic media (two-dimensional), such as images, photographs, and graphics. Three-dimensional media, such as stacking models and working models. Media projections, such as OHP and media environment (nature).
4. Classification of learning media according to R. Thomas Murry
According to R. Thomas Murry media classified by level of experience, namely: (1) Experience of the original object (reliefe experience), for example a ball. (2) Experience of mock objects (sudstitude of reliefe experience) such as images and photos. (3) Experience of the words (word only), such as books and radio programs.
5. Classification of learning media by Soeparno
Media classification based on its characteristics, can be divided into: (a) the media has a single characteristic, such as the radio. (B) which has the characteristics of multiple media, such as movies and TV.
Classification based on dimensional media presentation, which can be divided into: (a) Length of presentation is a presentation at a glance, such as the TV, and the presentation was a glimpse, for example OHP. (B) the presentation of the continuous nature of the presentation, such as a TV, and the presentation is not continuous, such as OHP.
Media classification based on the wearer, dapatdibedakan be (a) based on the number of users, which is a medium to large classes, small classes and individual learning, (b) based on age and educational level of the user, ie the media for kindergarten, elementary, junior high, high school, and PT .

Actually there are many more classifications of instructional media that have been expressed by experts, but maybe that's all I can describe here. Hopefully next time I can share more about the classification of other learning media.
More aboutClassification of Instructional Media

The Importance of Early Childhood Education

Posted by Unknown

Education is an important asset for the advancement of a nation, therefore, every citizen should and must follow the levels of education, both early childhood education, elementary education, secondary education or higher. In the field of education a child from birth requires appropriate services in meeting the educational needs along with understanding of the characteristics of children according to the growth and development will be very helpful in adjusting the learning process for children by age, needs, and each condition, both intellectually, emotionally and social.
Before speaking further, what is early childhood education? Early childhood education (ECD) is the level of education prior to primary education, which is a development effort aimed bagianak from birth until the age of six years are done through the provision of educational stimulation to assist the growth and development of mind and body so that children have a readiness to enter the education further, organized in formal, non-formal, and informal.
Why is early childhood education is very important?
Based on the research results about 50% kapabilitaas intelligence adults have occurred when the child was 4, 8, 0% has been a rapid development of the brain tissue when the children were 8 years old and reached its peak when the child was 18 years old, and after it's done though improved nutrition will have no effect on cognitive development.

More aboutThe Importance of Early Childhood Education