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Overcoming Child Lazy Learning Tips

Posted by Unknown on Monday, June 24, 2013

Children do not want to learn or lazy to read the textbook, often so complaints of parents. Children rather see television, such as soap operas, movies or playing with their peers.?

If the child does not want to learn, they assume that learning is an activity that is less fun than playing or watching. To cope with children who are lazy to learn is to make children think learning is exciting activities, fun or to make them realize that learning is a necessity.

Learn more, here are tips to overcome the lazy children learn:

Instill awareness to children that learning is an obligation and responsibility as a student that future results will be achieved.
Give an example to the children. Parents can also read books that are useful when a child is learning.
Parents should also inculcate the culture of reading in the family environment.
Create a fun learning environment. Create an engaging learning space, neat and does not make children lazy in the classroom.
Provide motivation for children to learn in a good way, as he plumbed the hearts held approach with the children in a child's best friend. Do not send children to force a child to learn, especially in a rude manner.
Give incentives to the child, whether it be their favorite gift or just a nice compliment if the value of the child. This will help motivate the child.
Parents should be open with the child by asking the problems he faced, why lazy to learn, what can make it a passion for learning and so on. Help your child to overcome these problems.
Choose the best time for children to learn. Should parents have also helped children with not watching television, or listening to loud music.
Make time this learning into their daily routine, and parents should also accompany and assist if the child has difficulty learning.
In addition to regular study time, also provide enough time to play, watch and interact with his friends.

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