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What The Parent Must to do When the Children Failed in Exam

Posted by Unknown on Monday, June 24, 2013

Children fail exams must not only he who feels disappointed, but the parents and the school and his friends will also disappointed about this. As a parent, do not immediately take action and emotional upset in children. If such action occurs, it will give a bad impact on children. One of them, the child will feel alienated due to his failure.

Failed test does not mean the end of everything. Of course there are a lot of government policy that children who fail to proceed to the next level. But one thing is for sure, when the child fails the test of course they need support and encouragement to boost his confidence, especially from parents. Therefore, it is important for parents to always give support to children.
Here are some positive things a parent can do when a child fails school exams:
Always provide support and assist the child in the face of failure of the exam. Motivation is very helpful is the motivation of parents and best friends.
Be a good listener when children start telling what he felt. Take heart by helping her child that failure is now a reality they have to deal with either.
Do not force children to study harder again after getting a bad grade, it just makes the child more stress. Take him for a vacation to cheer a sad heart, only then will you begin to guide her study harder.
Give the child time to yourself and understand what he was facing. However, parents continue to provide support and positive things that children are not too disappointed with what he got.
Embed this feeling always stay happy and grateful with what you have achieved. Although already well tried, but failed. Do not make this as a punishment, but as a failure to make the process of maturation itself time to deal with it.
   So is the word failure is success delayed. By learning and trying even harder, of course, this failure can be run properly. Although the children fail the exam, you as a parent have to continue to provide support and guide her to keep the child confidence and vigor to face the test into two.

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